Microchimerism Science Talks

Thursdays, 4pm UTC

(8am PST, 11am EST,
5pm CET, 1am JST)


Meeting ID: 880 6095 3705
Passcode: chimerism


Jan 18th

Lee Nelson

Naturally acquired microchimerism: Non-self that is self

Feb 1st

Nathalie Lambert

Microchimeric cells arising from pregnancy & rheumatoid arthritis

Feb 15th

Melissa Wilson

Discussion: Current and emerging approaches in microchimerism research

Feb 29th

Mads Kamper-Jørgensen

Male origin microchimerism and survival

Mar 14th

Whitney Harrington


Mar 28th

Athena Aktipis


Apr 11th

Petra Arck

Role of maternal microchimerism on fetal immune development and immunity later in life

Apr 25th

Anne Catherine Staff

Placenta dysfunction, fetal microchimerism and long-term maternal cardiovascular risk

May 9th

Bill Horsnell

Maternal vaccination and transfer of immunity to offspring

TimeZonesBoy. (2014). World Time Zones Map 1. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World_Time_Zones_Map_1.png (Modified from Original Work by Gruber, M)