Advisory Board

This project greatly leverages knowledge from luminaries in several fields who have paved the way in microchimerism research.

Diana W. Bianchi

Director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH)

Research topics: fetal cell microchimerism and prenatal testing.

William J. Burlingham

Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center /University of Wisconsin

Research topics: natural and acquired immune tolerance, stem cell interest for the creation of in vivo models of the human adaptive immune system.

Hyun-Dong Chang

Group leader Microbiota and Inflammation at German Rheumatism Research Center Berlin

Research topics: influence of intestinal microbiota on chronic inflammation, cytometric fingerprinting of disease-associated microbiota.

Matthias Gunzer

Head of the Biospectroscopy Department at ISAS

Research topics: immune cell behaviour, motility, migratory pattern and formation of cell-cell interaction.

David A. Haig

Professor in Harvard University's Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Research topics: intragenomic conflict, genomic imprinting and parent-offspring conflict.

Kiarash Khosrotehrani

Group leader Experimental Dermatology at the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute

Research topics: regenerative medicine and stem cell biology, cancer initiation and progression.

Nathalie Lambert

Director of French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Research topics: rheumatoid arthritis, immune and HLA system.

Dennis Lo

Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences & Professor of Chemical Pathology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Research topics: Clinical genetics, prenatal diagnosis, molecular pathology, cancer detection and diagnosis.

J. Lee Nelson​

Professor in Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center & Professor of Medicine at University of Washington​

Research topics: microchimerism and chimerism, autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious disease, pregnancy complications.

Jelmer Prins

University Medical Center Groningen

Research topics: reproductive sciences, genetics, adult health and disease.

Anne Cathrine Staff

Professor at University of Oslo & Head of Research at the Division of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Oslo University Hospital

Research topics: pregnancy biomarkers, pregnancy complications, placental dysfunction, gynaecological malignancies, urogynaecology.

Anders Ståhlberg

Principal investigator in Sahlgrenska Cancer Center at University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Research topics: identifying FET sarcoma-specific drug targets, development and implementation of liquid biopsy-based diagnostics in health care.

Ina Annelies Stelzer

Professor in Pregnancy (Neuro)Immunology Lab at University of California

Research topics: maternal brain axis, maternal blood immune markers and metabolites.

Sing Sing Way

Professor in Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Research topics: infectious diseases, reproductive biology, developmental biology and immunology.